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掛耳包小故事時間~ Coffee Kids Story Time~

作家相片: coffeekidstaiwancoffeekidstaiwan

這次推出的#StandWithUkraine 系列掛耳包裡有幾款背後藏著特別且有意義的小故事。本次介紹的這款由烏克蘭小畫家Greshnikova Dasha所繪製的Our Heroic Dog Patron是在描繪近期在烏克蘭很有名的掃雷犬Patron在戰地裡英勇工作的模樣。Patron在過去一個月裡搜出了上百個地雷及未爆彈,保護了烏克蘭人民的安全,堪稱「護國神犬」。這個月Patron與他的領犬員也因如此英勇的事蹟受到烏克蘭總統Zelenskyy獲頒勳章表揚。

One drip bag from our #StandWithUkraine project depicts the super dog Patron, a very meaningful symbol of the Ukraine. The work is titled Our Heroic Dog Patron by Greshnikova Dasha. Known for his ability to sniff mines, the Terrier has worked non-stop to have found hundreds of mines. The dog was even awarded a medal from president Zelenskyy for his courageous deeds.

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