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戰火下的一線生雞 — 公雞陶壺 Rooster Ceramic

作家相片: coffeekidstaiwancoffeekidstaiwan

今天要介紹的是來自烏克蘭小畫家Myhailenko Angelina 的 Our Symbol!。這幅作品描繪的是一個在廢墟中成功躲過砲火襲擊的公雞陶壺。在烏俄衝突期間,博羅江卡地區的一間民宅日前在俄軍的猛轟下遭炸毀。在廢墟中,這座公雞陶壺奇蹟似地屹立在廚房櫃子上完好無傷。這個奇蹟小故事也成為了烏克蘭勇敢與堅毅的最佳代表。更令人津津樂道的是在英國首相Johnson訪視烏克蘭首都基輔時也獲贈象徵著烏克蘭精神的公雞以示敬意。

The drawing Our Symbol! by Ukrainian girl Myhailenko Angelina depicts the rooster ceramic jug, which miraculously survived the bombing attacks in the Borodianka in the Kyiv region. Despite the devastation of an apartment building, the rooster-shaped jug was discovered sitting on the kitchen cabinet, unharmed. The rooster has since assumed the symbol of Ukrainian bravery and resilience. When British prime minister Johnson visited the Ukrainian capital, he was even given the ceramic rooster as a gift.

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