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3000歐元捐助! 3000 Euros Donated!

作家相片: coffeekidstaiwancoffeekidstaiwan

咖啡小子公益計畫在2022年的3月份達成國內學童一百萬捐助金時,我們幾個高中生萌生了將計畫延伸到國際學童捐助的想法。當時,也因為烏克蘭與俄羅斯發生了軍事衝突,造成了數百萬的烏克蘭兒童因戰亂流離失所。 因此我們把烏克蘭學童的捐助計畫,列入了我們咖啡小子的國際捐助計畫,並與國內學童的捐助計畫同時進行。

在過去的二個多月裡,我們馬不停蹄地聯絡與尋求當地資源,也因此很幸運的認識了在歐洲台北學校任教的烏克蘭籍老師Yulia,在老師的協助下,我們收集到很多有意義的烏克蘭兒童畫作,完成了我們第一批10款的#standwithuktaine 掛耳包並且開始販售。


我們的 #standwithuktaine 掛耳包的收入已經超過3000歐元,第一階段我們決定將3000歐元捐贈至烏克蘭的慈善機構 City of Goodness。

City of Goodness 是烏克蘭當地以幫助婦女與孩童為主要目的的慈善機構。他們將資源用於提供孩童及婦女糧食、衣物和醫療所需。 #standwithukraine 這個計畫,就是希望能將大家的愛心與資源傳遞給烏克蘭的孩童們,而 City of goodness 的宗旨正好與我們的理念契合,因此成為了我們第一階段捐助的對象。隨著計畫繼續進行,我們也將會把資源捐助給其他烏克蘭當地的兒少社福團體,盡可能地幫助烏克蘭孩童!

In the past two months, we’ve been busy expanding our coffee kids project to Ukraine. We’ve looked for resources and contacts, and, with the help of Ms.Yulia, collected meaningful drawings , with 10 drip bags currently for sale. Today, we are happy to have accomplished another feat! We have donated 3000 euros to the Ukrainian orphanage City of Goodness.

City of Goodness is a local charity organization that aids women and children, and provides them with food, shelter, and medical care. They also support local hospitals and poor families throughout the country. We believe that they share a similar ideal and goal as our #standwithukraine project to support disadvantaged children in need of help.

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